Thursday 13 January 2011

Birds of prey at Marj

With the large numbers of small birds and I presume small mammals it is not surprise that Old Marj is a magnet for birds of prey.

I saw four types. There was a long legged buzzard which was being mobbed by two common raven who clearly didn't want it around. 

long legged buzzard at Old Marj

The bird I sighted most during the day was a female marsh harrier (see below). 

marsh harrier at Old Marj

The biggest bird of prey I saw was a common buzzard.  There are two things you should know. Common buzzard is not common in Libya despite its name though I suspect it is not as rare as many have believed. Second, it really was the biggest bird of prey I saw!  Long legged buzzard in Europe is larger than common buzzard but the north African sub species of long legged buzzard (cirtensis) is actually smaller than a common buzzard.

Finally the other bird of prey I saw was kestrel.

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