Sunday 1 January 2012

Spring birds of prey at Al Hayer

It's mid week again here in Saudi Arabia and once again Abdullah Amrou has let me raid his archives to show some birds from other times of year.

Today we are looking at some birds of prey at Al Hayer in the months of March and April.

lesser kestrel

Previous observers say lesser kestrel is a regular migrant but seem to suggest it isn't that common. However my observations and photographic records from wildlife photographers including Abdullah suggest it probably is commoner than perhaps thought on migration. Newly cut fodder fields and their supply of locusts! seem to be the best places to see them.

I'm not ruling out over-wintering either and I'm on the look out for them. 

female marsh harrier

Marsh harrier is most common at Al Hayer during the passage too. However plenty of them are also seen in winter and it is an unlikely but conceivable  breeder. Summer birding records of most birds are more limited than other times of year because of the heat so it may have been over-looked.

male marsh harrier

In winter the most common eagle in the Al Hayer area appears to be greater spotted eagle. By contrast in the more steppe-like landscape of the Kharj farming area (which is less than 40 kilometres way) steppe eagle is the most commonly recorded. In spring numbers of greater spotted eagle in Al Hayer briefly swell. The pictures shown were taken by Abdullah in March.
young greater spotted eagle

I am looking forward to spring to see my first full season of raptor migration in central Arabia.

second view of greater spotted eagle

I saw the Osprey arrive at Al Hayer in November and they are well-recorded to linger to spring. 


Finally for this blog, I would like to wish all my readers a happy and prosperous new year.  I would particularly like to thank people from the following top ten countries who have supported my blog since it first appeared 18 months ago. 

The list is cumulative and shows a few changes since the same time last year.

The first four positions are still the same but not surprisingly readers from Saudi Arabia have joined the top ten along with Russia. While France and Sweden have dropped down. 

League table of readers since the blog was launched
United Kingdom
United States
Saudi Arabia

Last year's list 
United Kingdom          
United States   

But wherever you are - Thank you and keep visiting!

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